Sunday, February 27, 2011

Worries About Digital Media

Social Political worries seem, to me, to be the scariest of the worries about Digital Media. There is an array of photos and information about people's personal information and lives. Personal info is a click away for any creep or stalker to get to. There is no more privacy and personal stuff, everything is becoming more public and easy to get to. Its a current that keeps growing and is becoming impossible to stop. I completely agree that "the social-political worries have a current face that looks like traditional forms of control, authority, secrecy, and privacy are dissolving right before our very eyes, melting in the electric current. But such worries also have a deep-historical dimension, related to the histories of science and democracy."
People are lazy and too nosy, which is a bad mix with the internet. It creates time for invasion of privacy and stalkery.
Wikileaks is just a example of social political worries. Its a website where secrets and information are waiting to be looked at, and analyzed.

Social-interpersonal worries seem to focus on the self. What do i look like to others? Where do I fit in my class of friends? Facebook is just one example of how people try to control how others view them. You want to seem a certain way so you don't have to worry about the self image. But these worries are also helpful in a way because they help people interact face to face as well.

Psychological-emotional worries are also one of the scariest worries about digital media. People can just become so obsessed and addicted to the internet and what people are doing and thinking online. For some people, its the only way to express themselves without actually getting nervous or shy. Internet addiction is easy to get because people can feel like they are with a thousand people at once, even though they are completely alone. Also, the internet is the only way for certain people to get their insecurities and frustrations out. its not healthy but its a habit and addiction for some.

Psychological-cognitive worries are strange to me. I never thought that people could become close-minded from the web, but i can kind of see how its possible. I guess it can take away your sense of feeling and self-thinking. It can also take away your creativity and idea of self. People also start forgetting our history and only focus on the present second, which isnt a big problem, but it can cause one to become close-minded.

Behavioral-practical worries are also scary. I completely agree with your statement..."I think we we need to be able to make behavioral adjustments if we are spending too much time in front of screens and not enough time up on our feet moving around, going outdoors, etc."
People are becoming more and more lazy and boring. What happened to outside, swimming, dancing, singing, etc? DM seems to take the fun out of books, music, games, and movies. Things are becoming more and more available online, so people keep finding more and more reasons to not get out of their rooms and houses.

I had a problem and a worry with DM myself, for awhile in middle school and early high school all i did was sit on myspace and facebook for hours and make myself depressed and alone. I isolated myself just because of a social network meant for connecting to others. I stopped doing my homework and I stopped being confident and I stopped being social. I realized how powerful and addiction the web really is. You need to stay in control. Can't let the web control you.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with what you said in the article. Just one thing I think some of us actually like the social interaction only through web. Simple, because we need crowdsourcing. If you think about it humanity has only been at it strongest through history when we formed crowds and now thanks to the internet we can form virtual crowds. We can take control of political views, control corporate companies etc. All of this thanks to Digital media.

    Thanks for your views on Digital media. Hope you write a lot more articles like this one.
