Monday, February 7, 2011

Collage For Wikileaks and Photography!

Images really can have a flood of information resonating within them.  The jumble of pictures and the informality of it really helps show what happens when one looks a photograph.  Waves of thoughts and feelings and words are washed over the viewer and they are overtaken by what the picture is saying.  Photography is unlike any art form because it has the possibility to immediately affect the viewer within warning.  Writing a text composition about photography and making a collage of actually images have two completely different effects for the viewer.  Simply talking about how images have the power to resonate deep within people and actually seeing a photograph and having it resonate are two completely different feelings.  I didn't use a lot of text on my collage because I wanted the photographs to do most of the talking.  I felt like if my collage was overrun with text then I would be totally missing the point of my collage.

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