Monday, January 31, 2011

google text composition: Photography and wikileaks!


Photography lets you capture a moment and relive for as long as you want.  It lets you remember things you might forget.  It gives you a feeling in which you can always feel whenever you wish.  Photography has many different usages ranging from hobbies to professions.  Its a medium unlike any other, being able to stop time forever in a certain moment.    
    The first produced piece of photography was produced in 1826 by Joseph Nicephore Niepce.  Joseph worked and improved on this new invention and soon the French government bought the patent and made it publice domain.  Since then, photography has been used for various purposes in the world.  Many people use photography to capture favorite moment of their life.  Some people use it as a means of making a living: photography celebrities for money, selling photos to stock footages, blackmail, photos for newspapers, etc.  Other people, for example photographers working for Julian Assange and Wikileaks, use photography in a completely new light for different reasons.
    Photographers and Assange have gathered digital photos and videos of the Iraqi war for the public of America to see.  Assange has used his resources to gather classified footage and images so that the government can be exposed for the good and the bad it has caused in our society and country.  Assange got a hold of digital footage of American soldiers taking advantage of innocent civilians in this clip.  (
    Photography is one of the strongest and most powerful forms of propaganda and media, in general.  A photograph really can speak 1,000 words.  Created with the intention of capturing moments of time forever, photography has been moved to a type of media that uncovers truths and sheds light on important subject like our U.S. government and its operations.  
Julian Assange has used words, footage, and images (photography) from other sources to really break open the lid on our government.  It’s a fine example of how art is used to say something universal.  Art, in this example, really paints an vivid image in our mind, thanks to the footage and images, of what is really going on in our world and our country.  Thanks to the art and invention of photography, we are able to remember the great times our country has had, and truly remember the heart-breaking ones were are currently in.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tron and Wikileaks

The original TRON parallels Wikileaks because both tell a story of a protaganist hacking into a major official site (wikileaks being our government, TRON being the ENCOM mainframe) to save people and let them know the truth.  Both are centered around relieving and finding the truth to shed light for the people.  Also, the original TRON really sets a bar for movies during that generation digitally and visually, just like wikileaks sets the bar for availability of classified information that is out their on the world wide web.  

I'm learning a lot more about the war we are in and watch is literally going on their from the videos on wikileaks.  There is actually footage of soldiers fighting and bombs detonating, its actually a very scaring thing to see.  I also found it interesting that Michael Moore bailed Julian Assange out of jail.  Its amazing the attention and hatred AND love he is getting from the public.  Wikileaks really helps reinforce digital media and the accessibility it gives its users.  Its crazy within a click, anyone can find out classified and secrete information about our own government. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"The issue that I have with WikiLeaks is they have a tendency to just want to publish absolutely everything, and I think that can be very, very dangerous. I don't think (WikiLeaks founder) Julian Assange wants those people killed. However, if he irresponsibly follows the policy of releasing absolutely everything, it is incredibly dangerous for those people. I think it is really important when we have sensitive information, that we do rely on responsible journalists to sort through it for us. It's much better than dumping all kinds of crazy information online and get people killed."  -Jimmy Wales

In regard to Julian Assange's leaked police reports:

Bjorn Hurtig, Mr Assange's Swedish lawyer, said he would lodge a formal complaint to the authorities and ask them to investigate how such sensitive police material leaked into the public domain. "It is with great concern that I hear about this because it puts Julian and his defence in a bad position," he told a colleague.
"I do not like the idea that Julian may be forced into a trial in the media. And I feel especially concerned that he will be presented with the evidence in his own language for the first time when reading the newspaper. I do not know who has given these documents to the media, but the purpose can only be one thing - trying to make Julian look bad."

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


When I have to research a topic to gather information i usually go straight to Google and type in the keywords on my specific theme or topic.  I usually like to use Wikipedia, even though most teachers hate when students use it.  I used to feel like I could get the broad summary of a topic from Google and just be fine for class, but the site (Recommended Search Strategies) is really making me rethink how I search a topic.  From now on, to get more productive results I need to really examine my topic and come up with the specific and right words that would describe a certain topic.  I can't be vague and expect to get excellent results from a search engine.  I need to specific with what i am looking for.  Also i shouldn't assume that i know what im looking for when I search a specific topic.  I should be open to any and every piece of information i can get from the web.


Friday, January 14, 2011

Blog On Framing

Framing is when you create an idea. Framing is the very first step to the challenge-cycle, its simply creating borders around a challenge or problem.  Simplifying and Specifying the challenge or problem.  An example of framing is Facebook.  Facebook created a frame for a new social interaction.  Another example of framing is the telephone, a new way of framing how people communicate.  Digital Media is framed around the challenge-cycle.  Digital Media has also framed the way we interact with others, send and share information, and display ads and promote things.

I also made a diagram that shows a few examples of how digital media is used and how framing is used in each.

My diagram-