Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Digital Media Is!?!?!?!?!?!

The podcast you had us listen to was awesome. Sounds like you are really interested and intrigued by digital media, which is really thrilling and awesome. From your podcast, i got that Digital Media is a powerful electric current that connects things and holds things together. Its a glue that holds our society together and connects and intertwines people and their lives. And its constantly changing the way we view things. It is also constantly changing, itself. Everyday, Facebook and Google seem to have different designs and applications.
I like what Lev Manovich has to say about digital media. He said that digital media is "the translation of all existing media into numerical data accessible through computers. The result is new media--graphics, moving images, sounds, shapes, spaces, and texts that have become computable..." I would completely agree with that. But i also think its something completely bigger and smarter than we think it is.
The article on sample rates when right over my head. Something about combining to waves to create a completely new sound wave and frequency or something, right? haha
I LOVE MODERN TIMES, best film ever. Chaplin is totally commenting on the speed our society and machinery work. What happened to taking one's time? I admit that I am very impatient in real life and on the internet. Our society has lost the importance of patience and time. I love when Chaplin actually gets sucked into the machine and goes with it. I also love the very beginning when he compares the pigs to the men going to work.
I didn't really like the YOUTUBE video DO YOU KNOW, they make it sound like speed and change are kind of a bad thing, when that doesn't necessarily have to be true.
The ATOMIC TOM video was fucking amazing!!!! That was insane, like a free advertisement for APPLE and a free concert for the people of the subway
A remix manifesto is awesome! Brett Gaylor did an awesome job covering the copyright information and the mixing and matching of music and media. It covers Girl Talk, who mixes music and is at the top of the charts.

I think, overall, digital media is a growing, constant changing current that connects every living being. I think Chaplin showed it the best, its a machine that can suck you up if you can't control it. We, as artists and humans, must find a balance between digital media and real solid life.

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